Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Honey Baked Chicken with Spiced Sweet Potato

This here is a delicious an' healthy meal thet don't take nuthin' to make in about an hour from beginnin' to end. Ye’re gonna’ need the followin' ingredients fer the total meal to serve two people.
A vegetable of your choice
1-2 fresh sweet taters
2-4 pieces of fresh chicken thighs or breasts
Honey and ground cinnamon
1 egg or 2 egg whites
¾ cup of flour
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp black pepper
½ tsp salt

The first thing that ye're gonna' wanna' do is to start heating the oven to between Three Mississippi and Four Mississippi (425 F).
Next, you'll wanna' wrap yer sweet tater(s) in aluminum foil an' stick them into the oven on one side'a the rack. The other side is gonna' be fer the chicken.
There ain't no need fer an oven timer yet on account'a the time it'll take to prepare yer chicken is just about right fer the sweet tater to bake before the chicken goes in with it.

Next, fer a healthy meal, ya' halfta' skin yer chicken an' cut away the excess fat. Set them chicken pieces aside on a clean paper towel.

Mix yer flour, paprika, cayenne, black pepper an' salt together in a bowl.
Beat yer egg inta dipping badder in 'nuther bowl. You might wanna' add a little bit'a milk to the egg badder.

Spray a baking pan with non-stick spray.

Dry off yer chicken pieces with paper towels and dip 'em, first, inta the egg badder an' then inta the flour an' seasonin' mix. Put yer coated chicken pieces inta the baking pan.

By now, yer oven ought'a be heated to Three Mississippi. Put yer pan 'a chicken alongside 'a yer sweet taters an' set yer timer fer 35 minutes.

Take a break.

When yer timer goes ta' beepin', take yer chicken outta' the oven an' drizzle honey on it.

Turn yer chicken pieces over an' drizzle honey on the other side.
Put yer pan 'a chicken back inta the oven an' set yer timer fer 15 minutes.

Prepare the vegetable 'a yer choice ta' be finished when the timer goes ta' beepin' agin'.

Fer this here meal, Grandpa Wilbur steamed fresh brussels sprouts in the nucro-wave oven.

When yer timer goes off, take them sweet taters outta' the oven an' take off the foil. (Be real careful not to burn yer nose pickers.)

Slice them taters in half the long way an' them tater skins will slide off with just a little bit 'a pull with some tongs or a fork.

Mash the cooked sweet tater slightly on a dinner plate an' sprinkle it with ground cinnamon. Then drizzle the spiced tater with honey.

Throw the chicken an' vegetable onta yer plate an' serve it up. The chicken is also delicious as a leftover, either cold or warmed in a nucro-wave oven.

If ya' have a big crowd ta feed, like when Cousin Eddie loads up the kids in the passenger van an' comes over, ye're gonna' halfta' to increase the ingredients expanenchuly. That means to make whole bunch more ta feed ever'body. Some folks go a visitin' ta fatten their young'uns up a little.

Then again, some folks is jes' moochers. I 'member when Uncle Elmer retired. Between then and the time that he died, I don't think that he an' Aunt Emmy ever cooked or paid fer 'nuther supper the rest o'their lives. They jes' traveled 'round the country in their motorhome and made sure to make it the home of a friend or relative by suppertime.

As you might guess, their circle 'a friends was somewhat dynamic in their retirement years. That means that they had to find new friends to mooch off 'a as the existing friends learned to call ahead and warn ever'body that Uncle Elmer was within a day's drive.

Folks would jes' turn off the lights, lock the doors and go out to supper and bowling or a movie. Heck, if there was a lot of family and friends 'a Uncle Elmer in one county, the diner an' bowling alley could be packed for the night. It was cheaper than feeding Uncle Elmer and Aunt Emmy, especially if they parked an' plugged the motorhome inta yer power for the night. It ain't hard to figure who was also gonna' join you breakfast.

Heck, if you was ever too nice to Uncle Elmer and Aunt Emmy, they might jes' stay fer a week or so. Then they'd have a family reunion, on the weekend in yer backyard. Uncle Elmer would call up ever'body that lived within a  hunnert miles.

They done that to my Grandpa once an' he had to kill an old sow to feed ever'body. Grandpa said the sow's piggin' days were over so it weren't so bad as givin' up good market hogs. Ya'd'a thought, though, that the county fair was bein' held at Grandpa's farm fer alla' the people that showed up on Uncle Elmer's invite.

Everybody was supposed to bring sumthin' along. The trouble is that mosta' them only brought their appetite an' a generous helpin' 'a bullshit. I guess it don't take much to carry them things from the truck to the picnic table.

Check out Grandpa Wilbur on Facebook.

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